11 august 2008
tee's content has occupied 20% of my web site for a couple of years. this is no longer the first place people look, and i can't afford to host it any more.
tee's literary and artistic estate was willed to the university of oregon. for permissions and other questions, contact her archivist, linda long. her email address is llong {at} uoregon {dot} edu.
tee corinne updates, the weblog chronicling the last six months of tee's life, has been archived and is available from the University of Oregon Special Collections. they have also indexed her papers.
wikipedia has a pretty good article about her.
you can buy prints and notecards of her art at Tee Corinne Art.
JEB has established The Tee A. Corinne Prize for Lesbian Media Artists. tax-exempt donations to increase the prize can be sent to Moonforce Media, PO Box 13375, Silver Spring MD 20911. mention Tee A. Corinne in the memo space. all donations go directly to the prize.